Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Still Coloring...

I've been putting together a set of copic challenges for Scrapshotz and we're on to the color black. Kinda tricky... actually all the challenges are kinda tricky... but so much fun!

I made this home dog (he's actually a bear... don't be fooled...) dressed all in black for the last challenge... thought one of the boys' friends might get a kick out of it for a Birthday card...

You should really join in the fun... all you need is a few copics to get started! (You can get those at Scrapshotz too... how convenient!)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Road to Texas...

OK so I'm driving to Texas with three of my kids... it seemed like a good idea at the time. We were talking about the upcoming race season and I, in all my wisdom, said "...well why don't I just drive down South and let the kids ride?"

Well a ten hour trip to snow-free land has turned into a full-out 40 hour exodus! LOL

I made a list yesterday... yes me and my lists... let's not start... and it was two full sticky notes long! Why havn't I already done some of this stuff???

Let's focus on the things I HAVE done..

  • had a letter notorized from Cam so I can take his kids out of the country

  • passports for all

  • sent my route to AMA so they can make me a little map book thinger

  • got everyone fitted and ordered all the new gear and helmets

  • booked the motorhome in for an oil change, new tires and a wheel alignment

  • signed up for a Flying J member card (my Dad made me... said it would come in handy...)

  • got a complete book of every campground in seven states... just in case

So that's a pretty good start right???

Next I have to find a scrapbook store that has RV parking..............

Friday, March 5, 2010

Nap at Your Own Risk...

So Cam decided a nap on the couch was in order.... but Noah wanted to play Superheroes....

They came up with a great compromise...

And to top it all off, he didn't wake up through any of it... I even used the flash to take the photos!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Anyone care for fruit punch?

I made this today for my March DT Challenge at Scrapshotz! I used my glimmer mist, and I embraced the splotches!

Check out the forum for all the other challenges and inspiration... you'll be glad you did!